【同义词辨析】 2017-08-25 贫穷poverty-destitution

poverty: covers a range from extreme want of necessities to a falling short of having comfortable means: the extreme ~ of many Americans.

indigence: seriously straitened circumstances and accompanying hardships: the ~ of her years as a graduate student.

penuary: sug. a cramping and oppressive lack of resources, esp. of money: given the ~ of lifestyle, few suspected their wealth.

want: an extreme poverty that deprives one of necessities of life: lived in a constant state of ~.

destitution: sug. such utter lack of resources AS threatens life through exposure or starvation: the widespread ~ of countries beset by famine:

poverty: 泛指任何贫穷, indigence:条件窘迫生活艰苦, penuary: 压抑难忍的贫穷,want: 极端贫穷缺少必须品,destitution: 完全缺衣少食威胁生命

记忆方法:1)首字母PIPWD==> WIDPP 我爱打乒乓==>锻炼身体,摆脱贫困

          2)贫穷的意思是缺乏钱财资源mean the state of one who is poor or with insufficient resources.